After the Deadlines is an advanced free spellcheck and grammar checking tool for the internet. The cloud-powered software utilizes intelligent open source technology to detect errors on the internet and provide smart suggestions. The software works with both text and audio files, and also provides a dictionary-style preview. With After the Deadlines, professional writers get more out of their writing experience, because they learn about grammar and language in more depth.
Some important parts of the application include the auto-correcting feature. It will scan your work, look for errors, and suggest corrections. It can also highlight words you should not use and save you time by suggesting alternative words and phrases. Once you're done with your draft, you can upload it to the After the Deadline's website. You can view your work, edit it, and give feedback. You can share your work with other people on the website, and the program is secure.
English editing is an integral part of the writing process, and many writers have trouble writing their work without the help of this editing tool. This software helps you to see your work from several different perspectives and see it objectively and critically. With a little bit of practice, you'll see a great improvement in your writing.